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Communication Tips for Parents

Make the Time.
In today's complex world, it's even more important to make sure you set aside time to talk. That doesn't mean you have to hold a formal meeting. Sometimes the best discussions take place while you're driving the car or puttering around the kitchen.

Listen to the Little Stuff.
Kids will talk to you if they know you're going to listen – whether they discuss heavy issues such as sex and drugs, or everyday things like schoolwork. If your kids know you're listening, they are more likely to trust you enough to talk about everything in their life.

Listen Between the Lines.
Because a lot of kids find it hard to talk to their parents about things that really matter, parents have to pay special attention to what their kids may be trying to say. It helps to pay particular attention to emotions – not just the emotion itself, but its intensity, too.

Ask their Opinion.
Few things please children (or anybody else) more than being asked their opinion. You don't have to ask about important issues all the time, either.

Don't Interrupt.
In a national survey, more than half the children said that when they talked, their parents often or sometimes didn't give them a chance to explain themselves. It's a good idea to give your children some extra time to explain their opinion or desires, even if you think you know what they're going to say.
