General guidelines:
Try to find out what your children already know about the situation in Iraq, and how they found out about it.
Let them know that you understand that what is happening in Iraq is confusing and complicated.
Let them know you're glad to be talking with them about it.
Share your opinions and feelings about the bombing, whatever they are. Allow your children to express their own opinions.
Ask your children if they are worried and/or frightened about war. Even if they say, "No," you are giving them permission to have those feelings and to talk about them if they choose. In the United States, we can reassure our children that they are safe and not likely to be bombed.
However we feel about Sadam Hussein, our children should know that their Iraqi or Muslim classmates are not bad people. This is a good opportunity to debunk stereotyping.
If children want to help Iraqi children, encourage their concern and compassion. We can let them know about the International Red Cross, which can help victims of any country, even during a war.
Children under seven need special considerations:
Keep them away from television news.
Commercial programming may be interrupted by frightening news bulletins. Horrific images can cause nightmares and may awaken other fears and anxieties and they may need comforting.
Young children may not talk directly about the war, but their fears might come out in play, providing opportunities for discussion.
Reinforce the importance of using words to resolve conflicts.
However you feel about the bombings, we should help children understand that, usually, violence is not a constructive option. Special considerations for children of the militaryChildren will have understandable fears for the safety of parents sent overseas. Parents and relatives at home can help by letting children honestly express feelings and concerns. Frequent telephone calls, letters and/or email are essential in helping children feel connected to, and loved by, absent parents.